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How Do I Sue After a Parking Lot Accident in New Jersey?

Brown Law, LLC

Jan. 14, 2022

Accidents can happen anywhere, even somewhere as mundane sounding as a parking lot. This may be the case if the party that owns the property where the lot is on does not take care of it. This can lead to serious hazards arising that threaten the safety of those who use the parking lot. It is because of this that individuals who sustain an injury in a parking lot accident can recover compensation for any damages incurred as a result. This can be done with the assistance of a New Jersey personal injury attorney.

What Causes Parking Lot Accidents?

There are many ways that a parking lot accident can happen in the state of New Jersey. If regular inspections are not conducted, the property can become dangerous when different hazards become present. Various hazards that can cause these accidents can include poor weather conditions, potholes, uneven or cracked surfaces, loose debris, poor lighting, inadequate security, and more.

How Do I Prove Negligence?

All property owners in New Jersey have a legal obligation to take care of their grounds. If they fail to do so, they may be held liable in the event that an accident and injuries happen as a result. This can be done through a personal injury lawsuit. During this time, the injured party must prove negligence by satisfying the burden of proof. This can be done with evidence that shows the property owner knew, or should have reasonably known about the hazard and did not rectify the situation. Helpful evidence can include medical documentation of the injury, security footage of the parking lot during the accident, pictures of the property, and any witnesses.

How Long Do I Have to File a Claim?

It is understandable that people may hesitate to pursue legal action after being involved in a personal injury accident. However, it is important that if they wish to do so, they do not wait too long. This is because there is a statute of limitations in place, placing a deadline by which they have to file a claim. If they do not meet this deadline, they can lose their right to a lawsuit and compensation. In New Jersey, the statute of limitations for personal injury accidents is two years from the date of the injury.

Contact Our Firm

We understand the impact a serious injury can have on an individual’s life. If you have been injured in New Jersey due to another party’s negligence, please do not hesitate to speak with an experienced attorney who can assess your situation and guide you through your legal options. Contact our firm today to learn how we can help.